The image below shows the front cover of the poetry collection Vespers and Compline : a Soggarth’s Sacred Verses. It was published in 1900 by Burns & Oates in London. “Soggarth” was a variant spelling of “sagart” , the Irish word for priest. The priest in question was Matthew Russell SJ, poet, pastor, and editor of the Irish Monthly from 1873 to his death in 1912. The book is one of five collections of poems and prayers composed by Fr Russell which we hold in the library.

On the second point concerning Fr Russell’s celebration of Jesuit
culture, I found some interesting examples in the books Altar Flowers: a book of prayers in verse (3rd ed. 1912) and
A Soggarth’s Last Verses (1911).
These includes poems celebrating Jesuit saints Ignatius Loyola and Francis
Xavier, a translation from French of “The Seven Thoughts of a True Jesuit”, a
couplet summarizing the five points of the Ignatian examen, and an affectionate
image of the industrious Jesuit community at Dublin’s Saint Francis Xavier
Church, in the autobiographical poem “The Elevens of a Long Lifetime”:
Emmanuel at 44
Was my first
of books galore.
Xavier’s holy
Dublin hive
was my home at
Fr Matthew died while spending a second period attached to St Francis
Xavier Church (1903 - 1912). His
reputation rests largely on his influence and achievements as editor of The Irish Monthly, in which he published
numerous contemporary novelists, poets and essayists including Oscar Wilde,
Aubrey de Vere, Rosa Mulholland and Hilaire Belloc.
But it satisfied him also to find a readership for his own literary
efforts: the verses and prayers which he had penned, “accidentally” as he said, during
his life as a Jesuit priest. One of his readers was Fr Stephen Brown, our
founder, who in an account of his own spiritual reading published in The Irish Rosary in 1946, referred to Fr
Matthew as “a writer who helped me greatly in early days”.